For Parents

Help with living costs - updated leaflet - 2023/24

Triple P Family Transitions Group for the Summer Term in June and July 

Triple P Family Transitions is for parents who are divorced, separating, or separated. And are finding it difficult to communicate in a healthy form, and the child/ren are getting caught in the middle of their conflict. 

Dates and times of groups are- 

•             Monday 3rd June 09:30-11:30 

•             Wednesday 5th June 18:00-20:00 

•             Thursday 6th June 12:30-14:30 

•             Monday 10th June 10:00-12:00 

 All groups will be delivered online via Teams. 

Please see attached posters, information PDF and request forms. 

If you have any queries, please contact Roxanne McDowell, Every Relationship Matters in Norfolk Coordinator -  

Self referral form
