School of Sanctuary

 Our School of Sanctuary Application

At our school, we value and celebrate individuality, regardless of background. We embrace diversity and firmly believe that every child deserves equal rights and a nurturing environment in which to thrive and fulfil their potential. That is why we are proud to have signed the School of Sanctuary Pledge:


We support the ‘City of Sanctuary’ vision that the UK will be a welcoming place of safety for all and proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution.

We endorse the City of Sanctuary Charter, and agree to act in accordance with City of Sanctuary values and apply the network principles within our work (as far as our specific context enables us to).

We recognise the contribution of people seeking sanctuary. People seeking sanctuary are welcomed, supported and have empowering opportunities within our context.

We will work with and support our local City of Sanctuary group and are willing for our organisation’s name to be added to a list of supporters of City of Sanctuary, linked on the website. By signing the pledge I am agreeing to receive City of Sanctuary mailings and we are also willing to be contacted by City of Sanctuary with further ideas for how we can turn our support into practical action and to discuss ways we might work together to promote the vision further.

SOS logo

By doing so, we stand in solidarity with the 'City of Sanctuary' vision, advocating for a welcoming and safe haven for all individuals in the UK. At Horsford Primary School, we are excited to join a network of 14 established School of Sanctuary Norfolk Schools, along with many others currently on their journey.



This presents a wonderful opportunity for us to enhance our inclusive practices by finding out what is already working well. It also allows our students to take pride in their school as a place where everyone feels safe, welcome, and included.


What is a School of Sanctuary?

  • A school, nursery or sixth-form that fosters a culture of welcome and safety for people seeking sanctuary, including asylum seeking and refugee families.
  • A school that educates the whole school community about the experiences and realities of people who have been forced to flee to foster empathy and understanding.
  • A school that plays an active role in building a culture of welcome by connecting with and supporting local refugee organisations, collaborating with other institutions that raise awareness and advocate for a kinder approach towards those seeking safety.

Working towards becoming a School of Sanctuary also provides schools with a powerful focus for possible development in areas such as:

  • Meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010
  • Imaginative re-engagement with required curriculum areas such literacy, language, arts, geography, history, humanities
  • Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education and ‘British Values’
  • Aligning with the emphasis on ‘courageous advocacy’ in the SIAMS framework and the principle of Social Justice Teaching.
  • Building an inclusive school culture of belonging that reduces intolerance, hate speech and bullying
  • Improving the provision of English as an additional language in school
  • Fostering ethically-informed active citizenship and changemaking skills amongst young people
  • Engaging families and strengthening the school’s role in the local community

Quotes from other schools who have also signed the Pledge: 


“Becoming a School of Sanctuary has been a transformative process that has

contributed to being recognised as a national inclusion centre for excellence at a

primary school that was failing five years ago.”  Victoria Kirkman, Headteacher in North



“The Schools of Sanctuary initiative continues to have a huge impact in our school. In

recent years, it has been influential in supporting the improvement of provision for EAL

families, creating news links with parents and the wider community, enriching and

diversifying our curriculum, improving the induction and provision for refugee pupils

and their families and much more. Fundamentally it has been key in the school living up

to and sharing its values and ethos with the community and building a culture of

welcome, safety and inclusion for all. The fact that Norfolk County Council have

become involved in the organisation and facilitation of the network recently is

testament to the ability of the Schools of Sanctuary initiative to drive school

improvement and improve the educational experiences and outcomes for some of the

most disadvantaged families in our schools.” Jake Rose-Brown, Teacher in Norfolk