Church of England VA School

Collective Worship

Horsford CE VA Primary School is a Voluntary Aided Church of England School. This means that we have to ensure that our school has a distinctively Christian ethos. The Governing body has agreed that the school will teach R.E. in accordance with the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus.

Daily act of worship

As a church school Collective Worship is an important part of our school day.

Children at both of our sites worship together every day in each school hall or in their classroom. On a Monday we hold a celebration worship, where we celebrate the previous week's good work from our children. Throughout the rest of the week, staff and children explore the half term's Christian value (see below for the rota). We learn about each value through stories and are encouraged to reflect and think about how we can demonstrate the value in our everyday lives.

Special services

At least once a term, both sites come together in our Mill Lane hall for a joint worship. These are when we celebrate Harvest, Christmas, Easter and the end of the school year.

Collective worship ambassadors

Five children from Year 6 are chosen as ‘Collective Worship Ambassadors’. They are each given a specific role which they carry out in daily Collective Worship. In addition, they plan and lead Collective Worship every half term.

Reverend Margaret

Rev. Margaret, the incumbent of the Horsford Benefice, comes into school weekly to lead Collective Worship. She also leads regular vision and values days, where the children focus on the school's vision and its core values.

Each year group visits Horsford Parish Church at least once per year and learns about an aspect of the Christian faith as well as taking part in an act of worship.

Both of our sites hold weekly singing worship sessions where suitable songs linked to each half term's Collective Worship theme are chosen, as well as general Christian hymns and songs.

Our rota for Collective Worship themes:

Collective Worship Policy